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Código Descuento DTE5PLUS: 5 € de descuento en todos los productos de la tienda. Importe mínimo 150 € PRIMERA COMPRA

Interruptor Automático Simon 68 Terciario 4P Curva-C 40A 6Ka

Marca: Simon

Referencia: 68440-56

Oferta: 65,54 € (54,17 € sin IVA)
PVP: 103,67 €
65,54 €
10% de descuento adicional en la cesta en todos los productos OUTLET
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  • En stock. Envío inmediato.
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Interruptor Automático Simon 68 Terciario 4P Curva-C 40A 6Ka


Más información

Interruptor automático magnetotérmico tetrapolar de la serie Simon 68, Curva C 40A 6KA, accesoriable, tensión: 230/400V AC, admite peines y accesorios, cable flexible hasta 25mm, certificado AENOR.


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Preguntas (1)


Dear Sirs, I would like to know the total cost for 1000 pieces_ shipping to the Netherlands_ Certifications CE or other please send copies . Delivery time . I am looking for the below parts as well if you have them then let me know and the price as well. RCCB 4P Type B 30ma 40 3F KWH Meter Modbus Instalation Clamp Circuit Breaker 2P B Thanks, Tamer Noyha *31616762027

Respuesta de la tienda | 17/09/2024

Hi there,

We regret to inform you that we currently do not have the availability to serve you 1000 units since this is a material that is discontinued and we only have units in stock.

Thank you so much

Respuesta de la tienda | 17/09/2024

Hi there,

We regret to inform you that we currently do not have the availability to serve you 1000 units since this is a material that is discontinued and we only have units in stock.

Thank you so much

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